Our team of experts use the powerful VibXpert II system to perform vibration analysis as it has the ability to take a variety of vibration measurements. We have an array of condition monitoring calibration services and are able to conduct Calicheks on PRÜFTECHNIK vibration analysis equipment.
Vibration Analysis
Pump Health
The focus of the Pump Assessment program allows you to reduce cost of asset ownership by creating a full picture of the equipment’s health, reliability and suitability. We provide a guide on the steps that should be taken towards developing a healthy maintenance schedule by working through a comprehensive checklist of preventive maintenance checks.
Online Monitoring
Our team of Service Engineers can provide the full range of permanent online condition monitoring systems for continuous monitoring, as well as portable condition monitoring systems for ad hoc measurements.
We provide a range of training and workshops from introductory to advanced levels. Our trainers are active Service Engineers with experience in the oil and gas, mining and processing industries. They are the experts with world-renowned German brand PRÜFTECHNIK condition monitoring equipment and conduct product-specific training courses.
Equipment Hire
Some jobs often do not warrant owning the equipment they require. Aquip holds a large inventory of PRÜFTECHNIK condition monitoring equipment for hire on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. To assist our customers with the more advanced monitoring, our Service Engineers are available for consultation on a job-by-job basis.
Talk to us today!